Extra! Extra! Put your Vision Statement in action!


Identify your roles.  You may be a mom, wife, business owner, community leader, roller derby member.  Whatever you are list it.  Some hats you may not put on every day.  List your major roles.

Make your “to be” list. Now that you have your roles think about, what feeling you want to bring to that role?  Make a list of things "to be" in the role.  When thinking about my role as a mother I would like to be unconditionally loving, supportive, encouraging and firm. Resist the urge to do.  To do, is literally a laundry list of chores (necessary, and not exactly fulfilling).

Y’know, stuff like:

Go Grocery Shopping

Purchase Valentines Cards

Buy Pants

Make bank deposit


Determine the ONE most important activity you can do in each role. Some roles will have one most important activity for the day, others one activity for the week.  Again, resist.  Only one thing is MOST important.  You are not Superwoman, yet.

Plan time to do the ONE important activity. Pedal to the metal.  Put the one important thing on your schedule, and do it.  Make it a priority and put first things first.

Protect blank space.  You don't need to schedule activities or make plans to feel more important.  You are important, just the way you are.  Don't worry, life will throw you a few minor emergencies.  The blank space is there so you can breathe, and handle the crisis with grace.

Repeat weekly.  We are building a lifestyle.  A lifestyle designed by us, and I am here to help you.  It takes time and practice to build up new muscles.  You can do this!

