Productivity coaches are individuals who help their clients achieve their goals. Most people understand that to be successful, they need to be productive. However, knowing this and achieving it are two very different things. That’s where a productivity coach comes in.  A productivity coach is a professional who helps people achieve their goals by teaching them effective time management and organization skills. In other words, a productivity coach helps you figure out what’s holding you back and provides you with the tools you need to overcome those obstacles.  If you’re wondering whether or not a productivity coach is worth the investment, keep reading. If you are looking to achieve your goals and become more successful, then hiring a productivity coach might be the right decision for you.


Why are productivity coaches gaining popularity?

There are a few reasons why productivity coaches are becoming more and more popular. First, our lives are only getting busier. With the rise of the gig economy and the ever-changing workforce landscape, more and more people are finding themselves working on multiple projects at once. And while some people thrive in this type of environment, others find it overwhelming and chaotic. Second, as our lives have become more hectic, our attention spans have become shorter. It’s estimated that the average person now has an attention span of just eight seconds – which is shorter than that of a goldfish! This means that we’re constantly bombarded with distractions, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to focus on any task for an extended time. Lastly, we’re now more aware of the importance of productivity. In the past, the only people who needed to be productive were those in high-powered jobs. But now, with the rise of the internet and social media, everyone has a platform to showcase their work. And whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a freelance writer, people are beginning to understand that productivity is key to success.


How can a productivity coach help you achieve your goals?

A productivity coach can help you achieve your goals in several ways. They can also help you figure out what’s holding you back.

  • Are you procrastinating?

  • Do you have difficulty saying “no” to others?

  • Are you constantly being interrupted by distractions?

A productivity coach will help you identify the root causes of your productivity issues and develop a plan to overcome them. A productivity coach can teach effective time management and organization skills. If you’re struggling to keep up with a hectic schedule, a productivity coach can teach you how to better manage your time. They can also help you declutter your workspace and develop systems to keep track of your projects. It’s easy to make excuses when you’re not accountable to anyone. But it’s much easier to stay on track when someone is holding you accountable. A productivity coach will help you set achievable goals and provide regular check-ins to ensure you’re on track.

What should you look for in a productivity coach?

When looking for a productivity coach, it’s important to find someone who’s a good fit for you. First, consider your goals.

  • What do you hope to achieve by working with a productivity coach?

  • Do you want to learn time management skills?

  • Do you need help staying organized?

  • Do you need someone to hold you accountable?

Once you know what you want to achieve, you can look for a coach who specializes in that area and start working towards your goals.

 How can you get started with a productivity coach?

 If you’re interested in working with a productivity coach, the first step is to schedule a consultation call. This is usually a free call where you can learn more about the coach and their services. It’s also an opportunity for the coach to learn more about you and your goals. After the consultation call, you’ll decide whether or not you want to work with the coach. If you do, you’ll start the coaching process. This usually involves weekly or biweekly calls, where you’ll discuss your progress and set goals for the future. The coaching process can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on your goals. And while it’s an investment, it can pay off – both in terms of your productivity and overall success.


Why ultra-successful people are hiring productivity coaches

 Successful people hire coaches. Yes, coaching is a secret that some of the most successful business people share. Hiring a coach is one of the best things you can do for yourself in business. Guess what? It’s also one of the best things you can do for your personal life. A coach can teach you time management and organization skills, help you declutter your workspace, and hold you accountable for your goals. If you’re serious about increasing your productivity, a coach can be the key to your success.

 How can I help?..I give life back to overworked people. I am your partner to achieve your goals and get stuff done! I listen. I don't judge you. I help you figure stuff out. I am a resource to connect you to people or places or services or apps that can help you take some things off your plate so that you can focus on your family, your relationships, your spouse, your business, and on yourself.


I designed a 30-minute Discovery Chat consultation for you and me to get to know each other and decide if coaching with me is the right thing for you. Learn more about this service so that you can take your time back.
